Angeli, Nicola
Angeli, Nicola
Limnologia e Algologia
A comparison between diatom assemblages in two groups of carbonate, low– altitude springs with different levels of anthropogenic disturbances
2010-01-01 Angeli, N.; Spitale, D.; Cantonati, M.; Lange Bertalot, H.
Achnanthidium minutissimum (Bacillariophyta) valve deformities as indicators of metal enrichment in diverse widely-distributed freshwater habitats
2014-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Angeli, N.; Virtanen, L.; Wojtal, A.; Gabrieli, J.; Falasco, E.; Lavoie, I.; Morin, S.; Marchetto, A.; Fortin, C.; Smirnova, S.
Analisi delle diatomee di corsi d'acqua dell'isola di Cipro: la qualità biologica di siti fluviali mediterranei sottoposti a gradiente di stress ambientale
2013-01-01 Stocchetti, E.; Angeli, N.; Kelly, M.; Spitale, D.; Dorflinger, G.; Armanini, D.G.; Cantonati, M.
Are benthic algae related to spring types?
2012-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Rott, E.; Spitale, D.; Angeli, N.; Komárek, J.
Cymbella tridentina sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta), a crenophilous diatom from carbonate springs of the Alps
2010-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Lange Bertalot, H.; Scalfi, A.; Angeli, N.
Depth-distribution of surface sediment diatoms in Lake Tovel, Italy
2005-01-01 Angeli, N.; Cantonati, M.
Diatoms in springs of the Alps: spring types, environmental determinants, and substratum
2012-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Angeli, N.; Bertuzzi, E.; Spitale, D.; Lange Bertalot, H.
Ecologia di due laghi alpini d’alta quota nel Parco Adamello-Brenta (Trentino) con particolare riferimento allo zooplancton
2000-12-15 Angeli, N.
Environmental classification of springs of the Italian Alps and its consistency across multiple taxonomic groups
2012-01-01 Spitale, D.; Leira, M.; Angeli, N.; Cantonati, M.
Environmental controls of epilithic diatom depth-distribution in an oligotrophic lake characterized by marked water-level fluctuations
2009-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Scola, S.; Angeli, N.; Guella, G.; Frassanito, R.
Exploring and understanding the Biodiversity of Emilia-Romagna Spring habitats (Northern Italy): The EBERs Project.
2013-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Gerecke, R.; Segadelli, S.; Angeli, N.; Spitale, D.; Rossetti, G.; Rosati, M.; Rott, E.; Stoch, F.; De Nardo, M.T.
Fine-Scale Spatial Patterns of Mature and Immature Filaments and Bioorganic Compounds of the Rhodophyte Bangia atropurpurea in the Supra- and Eulittoral Zones of a Large Lake
2012-01-01 Spitale, D.; Scalfi, A.; Angeli, N.; Cantonati, M.
Is it possible to study palaeoenvironmental changes in Alpine spring habitats? A few examples from the south-eastern Alps (NE Italy)
2011-01-01 Filippi, M.L.; Piliposian, G.; Marziali, L.; Angeli, N.; Lencioni, V.; Cantonati, M.
Mouseia®, a museum relational database application for the management of diatom collections
2004-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Bertuzzi, E.; Angeli, N.; Parola, E.
Naviculadicta langebertalotii sp. nov. (Bacillariophyta) from streams in Galicia (N-W Spain)
2012-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Leira, M.; Angeli, N.; Rodríguez, C.L.
Neidiomorpha gen. nov. (Bacillariophyta): A new freshwater diatom genus separated from Neidium Pfitzer
2010-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Lange Bertalot, H.; Angeli, N.
New and poorly known coccoid species (Cyanoprokaryota) from the mid-depth and deep epilithon of a carbonate mountain lake
2014-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Komárek, J.; Hernández Mariné, M.; Angeli, N.
New findings on the ecology and ultrastructure of Cymbella ancyli Cleve
2003-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Angeli, N.
Paleolimnological techniques applied to spring habitats: Challenges and limits as highlighted by the CRENODAT Project (southeastern Alps, Italy)
2008-01-01 Filippi, M.L.; Angeli, N.; Marziali, L.; Matouk, A.H.I.; Bertuzzi, E.; Lencioni, V.; Cantonati, M.
Ricostruzioni paleoecologiche tramite l’analisi di diatomee subfossili in sedimenti di laghi del Trentino
2006-03-09 Angeli, N.