Sfoglia per Titolo
Detecting Human Presence at the Border of the Northeastern Italian Pre-Alps. 14C Dating at Rio Secco Cave as Expression of the First Gravettian and the Late Mousterian in the Northern Adriatic Region
2014-01-01 Talamo, S.; Peresani, M.; Romandini, M.; Duches, R.; Jéquier, C.; Nannini, N.; Pastoors, A.; Picin, A.; Vaquero, M.; Weniger, G.; Hublin, J.
Development of analytical tools for evaluating the effect of T-DNA chimeric integration on transgene expression in vegetatively propagated plants
2014-01-01 Dalla Costa, L.; Pinto Sintra, A.; Campa, M.; Poletti, V.; Martinelli, L.; Malnoy, M.
Diatom assemblages in high mountain streams of the Alps and the Himalaya
2001-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Corradini, G.; Jüttner, I.; Cox, E.J.
Diatom Biodiversity of springs in the Berchtesgaden national park (North-eastern Alps, Germany), with the ecological and morphological characterizaion of two species new to science
2010-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Lange Bertalot, H.
Diatom communities of springs in the Southern Alps
1998-01-01 Cantonati, M.
Diatom monitors of close-to-pristine, very-low alkalinity habitats: three new Eunotia species from springs in Nature Parks of the south-eastern Alps
2011-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Lange Bertalot, H.
Diatomee bentoniche in laghi d’alta quota e sorgenti con acque a bassa alcalinità del Parco Naturale Adamello-Brenta (Trentino), con particolare attenzione alla distribuzione con la profondità nel Lago Nero di Cornisello [Benthic diatom assemblages in low alkalinity high-mountain freshwater environments of th Adamello-Brenta Nature Park (Trentino), with special reference to the depth distribution in Lake Nero di Cornisello]
2010-09-20 Segnana, M.
Diatoms in springs of the Alps: spring types, environmental determinants, and substratum
2012-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Angeli, N.; Bertuzzi, E.; Spitale, D.; Lange Bertalot, H.
Diatoms in very-shallow pools of the site of community importance Danta di Cadore Mires (south-eastern Alps), and the potential contribution of these habitats to diatom biodiversity conservation
2011-01-01 Cantonati, M.; Lange Bertalot, H.; Decet, F.; Gabrieli, J.
Digital 3D modellimg of dinosaur footprints by photogrammetry and laser scanning techniques: integrated approach at the Coste dell’Anglone tracksite (lower Jurassic, Southern Alps, Northern Italy)
2008-01-01 Petti, F.M.; Avanzini, M.; Belvedere, M.; De Gasperi, M.; Girardi, S.; Ferretti, P.; Remondino, F.; Tomasoni, R.
Dinosaur footprints as ultimate evidence for terrestrial environment in the Late Sinemurian Trento carbonate platform
2011-01-01 Petti, F.M.; Bernardi, M.; Todesco, R.; Avanzini, M.
Dinosaur tracks in a marginal marine environment: the Coste dell’Anglone ichnosite (Early Jurassic, Trento Platform, NE Italy)
2011-01-01 Petti, F.M.; Bernardi, M.; Ferretti, P.; Tomasoni, R.; Avanzini, M.
Distortion, confusion, and impasses: could a public dialogue within Knowledge Landscapes contribute to better communication and understanding of innovative knowledge?
2014-01-01 Svalastog, A.; Allgaier, J.; Martinelli, L.; Gajovic, S.
Distribution and seasonality of the phytobenthos along two mountain spring streams in catchments of contrasting lithology
1999-01-01 Cantonati, M.
Distribution of Terrestrial Cave-Dwelling Arthropods in Two Adjacent Prealpine Italian Areas with Different Glacial Histories
2012-01-01 Latella, L.; Verdari, N.; Gobbi, M.
Distribution, occupancy, and habitat associations of the gray-faced sengi (Rhynchocyon udzungwensis) as revealed by camera traps
2013-01-01 Rovero, F.; Collett, L.; Ricci, S.; Martin, E.; Spitale, D.
Distribuzione di piante e artropodi lungo la piana proglaciale del Ghiacciaio del Trobio (Alpi Orobie, BG)
2015-01-01 Cabrini, E.
Distribuzione longitudinale e stagionalità dello zoobenthos in due ruscelli sorgivi su diverso substrato geologico
2006-07-20 Maiorana, S.
Distribuzione lungo un gradiente di profondità dei popolamenti vitali di diatomee epilitiche nel Lago di Tovel (Parco Naturale Adamello-Brenta, Trentino)
2004-03-16 Scola, S.
Distribuzione spaziale rispetto al livello idrometrico di filamenti maturi e immaturi dell'alga rossa Bangia atropurpurea e delle diatomee epifite sulle rive rocciose del Lago di Garda. [Spatial distribution with respect to the water line of mature and immature filaments of the red alga Bangia atropurpurea and of its diatom epiphytes on the rocky shores of Lake Garda]
2012-11-13 Santini, C.
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